Project Background
Challenged by the local landscape and running the project on an operational site, Bratney's project management team worked closely with the customer operations and management to ensure their existing operations could run safely and uninterrupted. Due to the local site conditions, extensive site preparation was required including:
Demolition of an existing building
Remediation of contaminated soils
Local blasting of buried rock shelves
Construction of an underground stormwater retention system
Specialized building foundations with rock anchors.
Another interesting aspect of the project was an innovative process flow. The customer frequently cleans different varieties of alfalfa seeds, and consequently can't have any cross-contamination. Bratney designed two mirrored seed cleaning lines, each with a capacity of 5,000 lbs. per hour, allowing the customer flexibility to run two products independently or one product at twice the capacity.
In addition to the 10,000 sq. ft. processing tower, Bratney also designed and constructed a 100,000 sq. ft. storage warehouse and a separate 8,000 sq. ft. office space.
Project Scope
conceptual design and scope development
process engineering
facility design
project management
construction management
millwright services
equipment selection
equipment installation
facility start-up and commissioning
operator training
Project Details
- Turn-Key Alfalfa Seed plant, warehouse and office
- 100,000 sq. ft. storage warehouse
10,000 sq. ft. processing plant
8,000 sq. ft. office space
Underground storm water retention system
- Specialized building foundations with rock anchors
- Two 5,000 lbs. per hour seed cleaning lines to run two products simultaneously without cross-contamination
Extensive site clearing, including demolition of an existing building, contaminated soils remediation and blasting of buried rock shelves
- The project occurred at an existing facility, extra care was taken so the customer could maintain full operation during construction of the new plant
Conceptual design started in March 2014, construction finished in August of 2015
Equipment Solutions
Cimbria Air Screen Cleaners for pre-cleaning and precision cleaning
Cimbria Gravity Tables
Cimbria Bucket Elevators
Plant automation and control system
Motor control center
Dust control center
Compressed air system